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Delegation from Idaho University visits College of Arts

On June 13, a delegation from Idaho University (America) paid an academic visit to Jiangsu University. The delegation visited the exhibition of art works by graduates of Grade 2009, the showroom of Zhenjiang city development plan, and collected research data at Huaiyin Village, a site of cultural and historical heritage. And the United Design Team of Jiangsu University College of Arts and Idaho University Art & Architecture College had a demonstration of their achievements. At the exhibition, 29 Chinese and American undergraduate and postgraduate students expounded their ideas of design, effect drawing and hand drawing. The students’ supervisors made comments on their performance. Gao Jing and Li Xinchao, dean and vice dean of Overseas Education College, made an introduction of Jiangsu University and Zhenjiang City.


School of ArtJiangsu University, Copy Rights@2013-2014 All Rights
Address: 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province,P.R. China 212013