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The School of Art held a summary and exchange meeting for the 2023 summer overseas program

Writer: Reviewer: 陈恺恺 Time: 2023-10-18 22:50:40 Clicks:

On October 17th, the College of Arts held a summary and exchange meeting of the 2023 summer overseas program and a presentation of the 2024 winter overseas program in the 2401 multi-functional small lecture hall in Room 1302. The counselor Jiao Menglu, who is responsible for this work, representatives of the students who participated in the overseas program in the 2023 summer vacation, and undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in overseas study programs attended the presentation.

First of all, Ms. Jiao Menglu briefly introduced the participation in this summer's overseas study program, and also introduced the short-term, long-term and further study programs related to the relevant majors in our college in the 2023 student overseas study program manual. Through overseas study exchanges, students can broaden their international vision, learn different course knowledge, experience diverse foreign cultures, which is very beneficial for their future study and work.

Subsequently, Ms. Jiao Menglou introduced to the students the relevant projects and application procedures for the 2024 winter vacation, as well as the funding policies of the school and the college. She suggested that everyone make early plans, actively participate in international exchanges and short-term exchange programs, enhance their ability to learn across disciplines and solve practical problems, broaden their horizons, appreciate the world's cutting-edge knowledge, and improve themselves in the collision of cultures.

This lecture not only deepened students' understanding of overseas exchange programs, provided new ideas for their growth and development, but also provided new resources for the college to cultivate international talents. While enriching students' learning experience, it expanded their international vision and created a strong atmosphere of "diversified and international development" within the college.

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