Since April 2016, the young teacher Zhe Zhu has been invited by Professor Stephen R. Drown to establish the Design of Layouts course in the Arts and Architecture Department of the University of Idaho. This course includes multiple aspects of lecture, discussion, workshop and so on. The participates who attends in the class to study and discuss are Professor Stephen R. Drown, Professor Gary·Austin and junior students and senior students.
Zhe Zhu, a visiting scholar at the school of Art and Architecture Department in the University of Idaho, aims at popularizing the principle of Design of Layouts and improving professional accomplishment of students in Design of Layouts. The course is taught from three aspects of composition, font and color and combined with features of landscape-design oriented courses. With the analysis and discussion in practical cases, Zhe Zhu rectifies and reforms existing layouts of students. Since the course was opened, it has achieved favorable comments from both teachers and students. Professor Stephen R. drown specially wrote letters to speak highly of this course as informative contents, rich and vivid cases and strong repercussions of students. He invited Zhe Zhu to continue teaching this course in his university for students in other grades in next term.