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Writer: Reviewer: Time: 2019-03-23 02:20:03 Clicks:

At 2 PM on March 23, 2019, Mr. Yoichi terashita, vice President of gakuin university of Kyoto information university, Japan, visited our hospital for academic exchange. Jiang Dan, director of the department of overseas study affairs, also went out with Mr. Shixia yangyi for the meeting. Zhu lixin, secretary of the party committee of the art college, and all the relevant teachers and students attended the meeting.

The meeting was held in room 1306 of the School of Arts . Vice principal of terashiyoshi expressed his views on "the technique and artistry of animation art short film creation" in the meeting. Introduce the origin of Kyoto information university. Kyoto information university is located in Kyoto, Japan. IT is the first full-time graduate school of IT in Japan. In 2008, IT ranked second in MOT(Management of Technology) among 52 universities in Japan, just behind kyushu university. Then IT focused on the IT issues, so that students understand the combination of technology and art, making the number of animation creation in the rapid growth of the importance of many professional colleges and universities in information technology and intelligent creation have a strong innovation. Finally about the Kyoto international animation international association large-scale seminar, by jiang Dan teacher generation temple a vice principal to make the main exposition.

With humorous language, Mr. Jiang Dan introduced the specific development status of the animation industry and the cooperation projects of the two schools, such as the professional characteristics, the scale of teachers and the achievements of international education. In 2016, the features of "3+2 undergraduate and postgraduate programs" and "summer overseas internship program" cooperated by the two schools. Many teachers and students have benefited from it. So far, many excellent students have been cultivated, which has laid a good foundation for the cooperation between the two schools. Finally, Mr. Jiang Dan told the students some interesting stories about studying abroad in the summer vacation and Shared the photos of former students studying abroad. Hope to take the opportunity to study abroad to let students expand their horizons, increase knowledge, so as to improve the students' cognitive ability to the problem.

The talk was successfully concluded with warm applause from the students. Vice President yoichi terashita, on behalf of Kyoto information university, welcomed the students and looked forward to their further progress.

Jiangsu University School of Arts, Copy Rights@2017-2020 All Rights
Address: 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province,P.R. China 212013